Monday, December 13, 2010

The Art of Football

Football is quite arguably the greatest sport known to man.  Why is football so great?  What makes the sport so appealing to the public? Is it the feeling of being under the lights on a Friday night? Everyone on your team striving for one common goal: beat the people on the opposite side of the line of scrimmage.

Seriously though, football has to be the best sport on the planet, when you put on those shoulder pads, underneath that jersey, and you don the helmet with your school colors emblazoned upon it, you cant help but just take a second and realize that you are about to take part in a great sport, you hear the fans cheering, you feel the rush of cold air as you take your steps onto the field knowing that in this moment, this is the biggest competition you’ve ever faced.  Lining up across from the other team on the line of scrimmage that is a true contest, the ball snaps, you fire out of your stance you hit that kid as hard as you can, and you don’t stop until you’ve scored or until that whistle is blown, then after that you get in your huddle and prepare to go at it again, that is what makes it the sport it is.

Those other people on your team, those are not just teammates, you are all a family, when you all get in the uniform, and you are all going out there to play some football, you are all one giant family, you are putting your absolute one hundred percent faith in the guy next to you, or behind you, knowing that you can get the job done.

Granted, I myself have not had the greatest success in football, I say everything about how great it is and about how much fin it is, but what about the other team, or yourself the “non-victors”? What about those guys, when I was in middle school and early years of high school football, losing was the worst thing that could ever happen.  Sophomore year of high school, our team made it to the semi-final state play-offs and was topped at the very end, knocking us off the road to state, when you look into that locker-room and you see all those seniors with the tears in their eyes, knowing that this was their last football game for the rest of their life, you know how it feels, their anguish is portrayed across their faces, and its contagious! The last football game you are going to play and you lose, I know I wasn’t the only one who had shed some tears that night.  But its all about bouncing back, those kids that aren’t seniors, those who have 1 or 2 more years left to make some magic happen, they have get going. To be the best, you must beat the best.

All these things make football the sport that it is, the intense feeling of playing under the lights, to the tears and sadness of losing a game, last one or not, makes no difference, to the realization of unity and a sense of family on your team, that is what makes this sport so amazing, what makes this sport so revered and publicized by the United States, America is in love with football.  Football for some, is not just a game, it is a way of life, and a sport that they live by.  all of these things and more are what make football what it is, the greatest sport...ever

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Ideas for an Editorial.

Football: An editorial on how great the sport of football is, how football is a great team sport and you need cooperation, communication, athleticism, and coach-ability to be a great football team.

Wrestling: write an editorial about how complicated and tiring the sport of wrestling is.  Write about how wrestling is a team, yet an individual sport and when you lose you have no one to blame but yourself, and about how mentally and physically exhausting and demanding the sport can be.

High School life: write an editorial about how high school life is one of the hardest time periods of a persons life, set aside the fact that the classes all but kill you eventually, but also the fact that high school kids have a lower IQ when they are around people their age and do the dumbest things.

Heidi Swift and journa-blogging

what is the real difference between writing on a blog, and writing for a paper, or for a public news piece?  in the blog its a lot more carefree and you are allowed to speak your mind and write about what you want to write.

take this blog, by Heidi Swift, for example. This blog post is dedicated to her crash with a squirrel while riding her bike, if you look at the style and colorful language of the post you will notice that her writing style is carefree and she doesn't care who reads the post or not.  When you read the same story,  however,you will notice that the post is more clean cut and prim and proper for the general public, she is limited to what she can say on the newspaper version.

How does this relate? When we see news in a newspaper or on the TV or any media broadcasting device, what we see or hear we believe is straight-up, legit news, however it has been edited and changed so that it is more appealing to the public, just because she drops a ton of F-bombs doesn't mean you have to change an aspect of the story.  i believe blogging is a similar form of journalism because it still gives you the news but it is not so clean cut, its straight to the point and its exactly what happened, i would rather hear the truthful story than some separate version of it that has been changed for public reading.

I actually do keep a blog (this one for journalism class)

stay away from squirrels!

Monday, November 29, 2010

How Media Affects Society.

How does the media affect us in our day to day lives?  social scientists say that the media affects us four ways, agenda-setting, norms/culture, modeling, and apathy.

Agenda setting is pretty much saying if its in the newspaper, on the TV, on a magazine, r the news is broadcasting it anywhere at all, then it is news, if the news is not talking about it then it isn't new and probably isn't worth mentioning.  Norms/culture is media that defines our lives and is trying to get people to have the same values, trying to get people to think and act in one cohesive unit, they're brainwashing us! 

 Modeling is media that is trying to get us to act a certain way, its like a TV cartoon of spiderman, kids who watch that are going to try to act like spiderman, thats one example, think of the other shows out their or the newspapers, or the magazines, the TV, anywhere you look people are trying to tell you to act a certain way.  Apathy is saying that it is enough to know about an issue or a problem, but it would be overboard to try to do something about the problem.  but its also the media's fault at this point, they are telling us about an issue but not necessarily giving us the information on how to solve the issue.

i agree with most if not all of the statements of this blog, the media is telling us about issue in ways we should act and what we should set our values as, and as for problems they are telling us about certain issues but not about others or how to solve other issues that are occurring everywhere, the media is affecting us in many different ways

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


read this blog!

this blog is about how googleTV users are being blocked from using NBC, CBS, ABC, and Fox from viewing video's on their sites though their TV, all the viewer would have to do is type in a web address on their TV with their remote and BAM. connected to the internet through their TV, although when you try to watch a video clip from the said websites above on google TV, you're blocked from it,, saying its incompatible with the device.  Mark Cuban said "I personally cant think of anything stupider for the big broadcast networks to do than give their shows to google for free. "

i found this article very interesting because the big broadcasting networks are competing with googleTV for viewers, i found this interesting because it seems that google is now coming up with everything to get their name out, TV, computers, you name it, google probably is advertising on it. 

 It surprised me by the fact that google has actually made a googleTV and people are trying to view NBC,CBS, ABC, and Fox through GoogleTV.  This information is helpful because if i ever have GoogleTV (which i wont) i wont go onto the said websites and try to view videos. i have no experience with googleTV, i have never even heard of it. i think news media is changing drastically, now we can view news on TV, computers, radio. anything! i get my news from the paper!

Monday, November 8, 2010

welcome to my blog

This blog is mine, Trevor Roberts. I own this blog. Welcome to this blog.