Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Heidi Swift and journa-blogging

what is the real difference between writing on a blog, and writing for a paper, or for a public news piece?  in the blog its a lot more carefree and you are allowed to speak your mind and write about what you want to write.

take this blog, by Heidi Swift, for example. This blog post is dedicated to her crash with a squirrel while riding her bike, if you look at the style and colorful language of the post you will notice that her writing style is carefree and she doesn't care who reads the post or not.  When you read the same story,  however,you will notice that the post is more clean cut and prim and proper for the general public, she is limited to what she can say on the newspaper version.

How does this relate? When we see news in a newspaper or on the TV or any media broadcasting device, what we see or hear we believe is straight-up, legit news, however it has been edited and changed so that it is more appealing to the public, just because she drops a ton of F-bombs doesn't mean you have to change an aspect of the story.  i believe blogging is a similar form of journalism because it still gives you the news but it is not so clean cut, its straight to the point and its exactly what happened, i would rather hear the truthful story than some separate version of it that has been changed for public reading.

I actually do keep a blog (this one for journalism class)

stay away from squirrels!

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